Topics: Strategy | Creativity | Education | Definition | IoT | Implementation | Thinking | DecisionMaking |2025
- October 25, 2022 - Video-Learn confidently with mental models
- September 8, 2022 - Knowledge as design - does knowledge have a purpose?
- May 19, 2022 - The Mental Model Of Docker Container Shipping
- October 14, 2020 - Betting as Evidence Amplifier
- September 19, 2020 - The search-inference framework of thinking
- July 15, 2020 - Freewriting and how to generate ideas bottom-up
- June 24, 2020 - And then Covid happened - Resilience as a blogger
- January 4, 2020 - The Pioneer in Software Development
- November 1, 2019 - IoT Architecture Models
- October 25, 2019 - Quality attributes of a cloud mock testing framework
- October 16, 2019 - How to evaluate technology options
- October 9, 2019 - Nobody knows but at least someone owns it
- October 7, 2019 - What is (software) strategy, anyway?
- October 3, 2018 - Using Clojure on AWS Lambda
- April 11, 2018 - Hyperledger - Build Your First Network - A walkthrough (video)
- February 2, 2017 - Microservices tutorial building a web-scraper with Java, Python and RabbitMQ (updated)
- January 5, 2017 - Scapple: a great little brainstorming gem
- November 20, 2015 - Java versus Go: a performance comparison
- August 17, 2015 - How to have an elephant brain
- February 1, 2015 - Clojure hands-on tutorial for beginners: building a spell-checker
- December 15, 2014 - SICP Chapter 1.2, notes and (some) solutions in Clojure
- November 9, 2014 - SICP Chapter 1.1, notes and (some) solutions in Clojure
- October 10, 2014 - Rapid prototyping with Spring Data Rest and Knockout.js
- August 14, 2014 - Dealing with complexity - Out of the Tar Pit
- April 4, 2014 - Testing a HATEOAS api with RestAssured
- February 24, 2014 - Using Spring with the Play Framework (2.2.x)
- February 13, 2014 - Rules for clean code: be stingy, one-track minded, self-centered and have the attention span of a fly