
Below are recent projects and courses. You can read more about my past projects here - from mobile development, over e-commerce to coding interview service.

Udemy course

Let's develop a message-driven microservices application

Learn how to build scalable applications using multiple frameworks and languages in one knowledge-packed crash course
  • Follow the complete development cycle when we go from idea to finished application.
  • Learn the essentials of single-page frontends (Knockout.js), REST based backends (Java-Spring) and microservices (Python, RabbitMQ) in one compact course.
  • Made for the busy developer. Ships with virtual machine image and tutor app so you can focus 100% on honing your coding skills.

I also post videos on my YouTube channel.


CodingBrain note taking editor

As a software developer, learning never ends. However, the tools we use to acquire knowledge can be significantly improved. Online tutorials, books or videos only scratch the surface of how learning will happen in the future. Programming is a highly structured activity with lots of room for automation.

CodingBrain fills this gap. It is a knowledge management, research and productivity app for developers, bloggers and anyone who uses the internet to learn and study. It offers new ways to learn and produce and integrates with existing tools.

You can read more about CodingBrain and download the app here.

Talk at Spring I/O 2016

Not really a produt but I thought I mentioned it anyway.

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